Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

As I complete this first day of 2006, I am laughing inwardly.
I've spent most of the day struggling with setting up a new
computer, wondering which items from my long lists I most
need to be doing next, and running into one obstacle after
another. To top it all off, last night in the wee hours, I sat up
in the dark (so as not to disturb my husband) and scribbled
a brilliant article in my notebook. I planned to type it ready
for publication tonight. But just now, I discovered that I
turned my notebook upside down and wrote over previous
entries for many, many pages! It will take some major
deciphering to recover my sterling ideas!

At the same time, I feel a sense of joy inside that won't be
repressed. These are after all just the stumbling blocks that
go with learning and doing new things. The adventure
continues! At least I figured out how to get back to my blog
and create a new posting!

I'm deciding to count today as a success! I managed to keep
a loving attitude towardmyself despite saying "aaaaarrrrrgh"
in frustration a few times. (I think that's from the no-longer-
published Calvin and Hobbs cartoons.) And I am remembering
that success in accomplishing anything comes from taking
many small steps consistently. I did take lots of small steps
today, and quite a few of them were in the right direction! I
forgive myself for any that were in a different direction and
let that go. You can do the same, any time you choose.

Here's hoping that you are creating a happy, healthy and
prosperous New Year and every day, a New You, through
loving yourself and developing your innate potential in the
most positive ways you can imagine!

Blessings of Light and Love to you,


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