Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Meditation Changes Your Brain for the Better

This is a postscript to our discussion of meditation in class.

Here is a newsletter article from Lynn McTaggart, who has written several books about the latest research on brain-mind connections. This article is about how practices of memorizing and of meditation create very positive physical changes in the brain.


Remember, you don't have to empty your mind of all thoughts in order to meditate. Simply focus on your breathing, a positive word or phrase of your choice, and let yourself move into the peace within. If thoughts are present, just let them be there and keep focusing on your breath or the sound you have chosen. If you are off entirely on thoughts, gently bring your awareness back to your breath or the sound. Enjoy the process. Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase your meditation time to suit your needs and schedule.

Have a terrific, calm and peaceful day!
Dr. Marrin

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