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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Past Life Awareness: Interesting but Not Necessary

Could you comment on past life regressions?
Today in a wide-ranging discussion that began with sleep and dreams, a student asked for my comments on past life regressions. I answered that I had facilitated quite a few of them, and had seen one person profoundly shift her personality expression as a result, but there are easier ways to get past life information if you want it.

What I didn't say, as that discussion expanded to other questions from other students, is that I don't believe past life information is necessary for personal or spiritual growth.

Let me explain a little more . . .
"Past lives" or past embodiments of our souls are a part of my working reality. I read about the great religions of the world when I was 14 doing a research project for a class, and instantly felt an understanding and appreciation of the concept of reincarnation, as well as the ultimate oneness of God that expresses differently through many religions. For many years, I simply sat with these thoughts. The East Texas Bible Belt was not a place for easy conversation about such heretical ideas!

When I was about 30, reflecting on various personal dilemmas in prayer and meditation, I spontaneously began receiving past life information about myself, as simple but profoundly meaningful inner awareness. (For the many people who do not believe in past lives, it might be helpful to think of past life descriptions as metaphors for the lessons we are learning in this life.)

This moment is the choice point
In truth, this life right here and right now is what counts, for here we are at choice, every moment, for where we focus and what we do.

For me, the main value in knowing about any past existence is to help me understand some particular situation or personality pattern that I'm dealing with now. Right now, this moment, I have the power to change how I respond to myself or to others around me. I can choose loving and forgiveness. I can choose win-win negotiations. I can choose to let go of my complaining and victimhood and find the good in the situation. I can take care of myself and help take care of others. I can aim for the highest good for all concerned in any given situation, to the best of my ability. When I'm confused, I can ask for clarity and understanding. I can ask for the Christ-Light to guide me.

Bringing a bit of the past into the now moment
At times, a glimpse of the past (this life or some other) gives my mind a "reason" to explain some of the inequalities and imbalanced situations in my world. Flashes to some other existence can often help me quickly get the bigger picture, seeing how I have been far from perfect in my lesson plan on the planet, and recognizing what I need to learn to move forward now. Which brings me back to the present moment of awareness, choice, and action. In this moment, I am responsible for my continuing learning, growth and upliftment.

We don't have to have past life awareness to make wise, kind and loving choices in the present moment. In my experience with many deeply spiritual friends, some relate easily to the idea of past lives and receive value from this type of awareness. Others could care less about previous existences and find their inspiration and answers in the practical, logical or intuitive assessment of this life. "This life is quite enough, thank you very much," they seem to say.

Past life awareness can bring change in the present life
The beautiful woman who changed her personality so radically, started by wanting to overcome her fear and avoidance of men. She experienced a very uncomfortable past life as a child prostitute in the middle ages, forced to this lifestyle for survival, hating herself, hating men. During our session, she came to a place of acceptance, understanding and inner peace about this broken life. Two years later, she shared that in the three months or so after our session, she started wearing dresses instead of black pants and a white shirt; she let her closely cropped hair grow long; she relaxed and stopped being afraid of men; she had her first date at age 28. She had been happily married for over a year and was expecting her first child!

The power of belief
As with so many topics in psychology, what a person believes strongly influences what she experiences. Each one of us is living uniquely to fulfill our own curriculum for life. While our beliefs can and do change, it seems to me that they tend to be perfectly matched to our particular needs for learning and growth in the moment. That is, if we need to learn to overcome being a victim, we will hold plenty of beliefs that we are a victim, and have opportunities (challenges) to make new choices and gain new and different experiences as a consequence.

Be here now
Whatever we believe based on cultural, religious or family factors or very personal individual experiences, we can also believe in the power to choose again right now, for the better, for the highest good. That belief in the power to choose and to change creates tremendous freedom. Regardless of what we may have experienced in hypothetical or real past existences, as Ram Das wrote in the sixties, all we can truly do is, "Be here now."

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