Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Success from the Inside Out

Success from the Inside Out

If I had known last August all that I'd have to be learning by now, would I have lept into internet marketing so freely?

The answer is, I don't know. I like to think I would have, but I might have been intimidated.
I keep saying the learning curve is vertical! For a non-techie, I've made amazing strides.

I've sort of backed into a new career. First, a couple of years ago, I was tired of starting over in a new community as a social worker or psychotherapist each time my husband got transferred. Frequently when I would sit for spiritual exercises, I would lovingly pose some version of the following questions, "What are my next steps for my career? What is God's will for me?"

I got the notion that I needed a "portable career" and thought writing and speaking would be a way to go. I began to hold an intention for this in a very loose and general way, always with my "insurance clause" prayer -- in the Light for the highest good of all concerned.

I drafted a book, was told it was really two or three books in one, and I eventually extracted one slender volume and have more to finish with the rest! Then last August, my life coach Richie Lyon nudged me into checking out a Three-Day Quick Start Ebook Authoring class by Ellen Violette, The Ebook Coach. Richie's idea was that Ellen's class would help me put the finishing touches on the book I was completing.

When I started Ellen's class, she suggested using the time to write a book from scratch! I rose to the occasion and produced a brand new one, The Power of Personal Peace: Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out. I also caught the vision that with internet marketing of my book, I could build the portable career I wanted! But I was such a newbie regarding the internet that I waited (impatiently) for six or seven weeks, until Ellen's 10-week internet marketing class began in October. Then I simply started doing what she said to do, practicing many new suggestions as they floated across the radar screen of my learning.

By December, I had a designer finishing my website, and I squeaked into participation in the 12 Days of Christmas gift promotion, so I got a start on building a list of people interested in stress reduction. I started blogging, sending occasional notes to my newsletter list, and now I've done two teleseminars. I'm learning the basics of doing my own web pages. I've started sending articles to article directories.

The learning curve is still pretty much straight up, but I'm doing what internet marketers do.

One of my recent articles on stress reduction builds on the idea of first Being, then Doing, then Having the positive results. Right now, I'm thinking of that in terms of success.

My process has surely been an unfolding from the inside out. First I had the intuitive awareness (from the center of my Being) that I needed a "portable career." I would mull this over periodically and eventually used it as part of my impetus to start a new writing project about two years ago.

As I started writing, (Doing) I did a pilot project of a six week workshop to test my processes and materials, and to create working deadlines for myself as an author. Then we moved again! This time it was from the Detroit area to the Burlington area of Vermont. I did a little crisis counseling to get acquainted with the community, I taught a college class, filling in for a professor who was ill, and I've had a handful of private clients. Once more, being a highly qualified professional starting over in a new community left me frustrated and feeling I didn't fit in.

Less than nine months ago I discovered the possibility of writing an ebook. Six months ago I started to learn internet marketing. It's filled a big void in my life. I get to help people from all over the world, be creative, use my writing, speaking and people skills, and keep learning every day! I need to be organized and manage myself well, but I am my own boss. I'm loving it!

I'm doing my best to stay attuned with my inner direction, going step by step, and starting to enjoy my process and reap the rewards! This is truly success by loving myself from the inside out. It's a gentle and gradual progression with rich rewards all along the way!

Joy and Peace to you,
Dr. Ilenya

Success from the Inside Out


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