Confessions and Completions for Less Stress, More Success
Whew! Right now I have too many small projects that demand immediate attention and I'm not getting to my big projects, like completing the expansion of my website.
Want to know what I'm up to? As a member of the Vermont State Guard Medical Corps I'm about to take an amateur radio class and I'm reading a rather large text to be prepared for the class! It's a lot to absorb for non-techie me, all about Ohms and Amps and Volts and operating rules. But I've had a lifelong interest in emergency preparedness and when Katrina hit the Gulf states last fall, I started checking into my community's status in case of various disasters. I ended up volunteering for the State Guard. Am I crazy or what?
So that's one of my little extras going on right now, all because I saw an opportunity do be of community service and the ham class was being offered on one of my rare free weekends!
I've just done two weekends out of town, attending a spiritual retreat in the Catskill Mountains of New York and then a spiritual lecture in Boston. Those were definitely times of upliftment and renewal, but I came back to loads of unread emails and all the household chores that didn't get done on the weekends away.
I do my best to let things go -- and have dust on furniture to prove it! LOL! But still, some things I gotta do on a regular basis.
I have two cool interviews coming up in my teleseminar series -- redoing Gabriele Reign's call on Propelling Yourself Forward (because of technical difficulties on the first run), and the following week, CoachLyon (Richard Lyon) on reducing stressors of "Honorable Unemployment." (Email me at if you want the details.)
I'm learning, learning, learning more web and marketing tools, including beginning to delve into Photoshop -- totally fun but I'm still at the "What's this?" phase. I'm preparing to co-develop a class for professionals on how they can teach their clients about stress reduction. I have a few individual clients, mostly by phone -- some for coaching, and some for spiritual counseling and clearing work. I have articles and another book in the works.
And then there's the matter of getting the cedar siding on our home re-stained soon, and having a few dangerously tipping poplar trees removed from the property, and staying in close touch with my elderly mom (in Texas) who's having some health issues. And listening to my husband who's in a very demanding job, and cooking (which is mostly fun!) and on and on. And all too often, cleaning the litter box and the bathroom floor when 10-year old Crystal cat manages to miss her target!
So yesterday morning during my Spiritual Exercises, I got the message, "You might not want to start any more new projects until you complete some of your current ones." Do you suppose that would be smart? LOL! OK, I can take a hint! I'm very grateful that such logical and common sensical advice comes through in my meditation time!
I know better than to spread myself so thin! It always takes a while to dig my way out of the overload. And there are just times when it seems so "right" to keep saying "Yes" to new opportunities! But as my mom used to say, "Now it's time to pull in your horns." (Being a double Taurus, I can relate really well to this image.)
So, my way of loving myself just now is to focus on wrapping up some of my projects, bringing them to completion. Completion means no karma hanging out. No unfinished actions with dangling energy to trip me up. It means doing what I said I would do, or renegotiating the agreement. It means renegotiating agreements with myself when necessary. It means looking again at my "Ideal Scene" for my business and refocusing on the most important actions. For me, that's largely an intuitive process. I ask for spiritual guidance daily and, despite my questing and questioning mind, manage to trust it most of the time.
For me, creating success is more of zig zag process than a straight line. I expand when I'm feeling expansive, then I may overdo it and have to pull back a little, like now. I regroup and move forward again. As I say in my books, though, the most important thing seems to be to hold a loving focus, a loving intention with myself and the people and situations I'm dealing with. I swear that in spite of the many, many challenges, it's a joyful adventure this way!
You know, I'm feeling my way forward with my business and with this blog. My aim is to connect with and build a community of people of like mind and I'm realizing I may need to reveal more of my personal approach to life to do that. I hope that some of you find this information useful. Once more, I invite you to post comments or questions.
And if you need to simplify a bit, look at what is incomplete in your projects list. See if there are things you can wrap up, cross off the list, and forget about. Or move to the next level. Or decide not to do them after all.
Meanwhile, always, I'm wishing you love, joy and peace,
Dr. Ilenya
Ilenya Marrin, DSS
Author of ebooks The Power of Personal Peace:
Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out
A Way of Loving Intention
At 9:56 AM,
Megan (Meg) said…
Hi Ilenya
I just wanted to say hi and to tell you how much I enjoy reading your Blog - I recently subscribed to your ezine and have just discovered this lovely place.
Its such a refreshing and personal approach. I feel as if you are talking with me and I can relate to what you are saying, very much so!
I too am in the learning phase. I am facing losing my career; finding new paths, opportunities - due to an incurable chronic illness which affects quality of life. Hence my new-found passion for online opportunities :-)
I also have a Ph.D, Masters and Bachelors Degree, with background in psychology; although I feel as if you have gone much further than I in being able to recognise yourself; your own personal peace - your own self-awareness is lovely to read :-)
I wish I had the guidance of someone like yourself too. While I also have a blogspot "self help for growth", sometimes it is easier to discuss and provide advice/help others, than listen to one's own advice!! Just because we are the 'experts' (hmmm) - doesn't mean that our lives are perfect either. So I tend to post on personal experiences too(as well as provide free resources and other readings, until I get my own websites up and running).
I think though, your approach is more personal and refreshing.
I feel that your soul is a generous one. A deep spirit.
I congratulate you and wish you the very best on your journey of personal peace :-)
Kind Regards
You can find me at: -if you are interested in having a look of course - perhaps offer some advice, or just a brief comment? I would be very appreciative, but certainly understand your time, and the need to finish projects, so as not to leave things 'hanging' - this is happening to me too!)
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