Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Causeway Reflections on Peace and Success

Yesterday on my walk on the Colchester Causeway, I noticed stagnant, brackish water on one side and fresh clear water on the other.

I actually paused to inspect the clear water carefully, as it was not perceptibly flowing. A light breeze tickled the surface, water bugs skated in random patterns, and reflections of the still winter-sparse trees danced in the late afternoon sun. But I couldn't see this water moving in any particular direction.

As I pondered, some analogies seemed obvious. Ifyou are a typical harried and overcommitted person, when you think about slowing down to reduce stress, you fear turning into a murky puddle of going-nowhere bog-water. Where is the action, the excitement?

I believe that's a secret fear for many of you who procrastinate on taking next steps for personal peace. You are afraid to miss anything, afraid to say no to anything, afraid of losing out on something important. You want it all, even at the expense of your health and well-being.

Do you experience life now as a rather head over heels rush but you're not sure where you are going? Are you putting energy out in a dozen directions and they all sort of fizzle out or dry up before going too far? If so, you're expending a lot of energy but not necessarily getting the rewards that you want.

What if you slowed down and became like the crystal clear water I saw on the other side of the causeway? Even better, what if you set up your life such that you experience a gentle flow toward a larger goal? What if you create more balance and inner peace and at the same time, give yourself a direction for success? What ifyou commit to gently following a dream, or creating your heart's desire?

I know that my walks help me to slow down and"gather myself" inwardly. They allow me time to reconnect with nature and more importantly, with myself and my experience of the Divine. When I take time to connect with the earth and the majesty of creation, I renew my direction. My life is very full, and I manage several projects. I can easily get caught up inthe busy-ness of all my tasks! Taking time for me, through meditation and prayer, through walking, and sometimes through "just sitting," is essential for maintaining balance and my own personal peace.

Loving myself through all the crazy, frustrating and upsetting times is part of the process too. We're human. As long as we don't shut ourselves off from loving, I don't see how we can turn into the brackish bog-water. The more we choose loving ourselves into peace, the better our chances for a gentle flow into our larger selves.

Based on my experience, you can create an "upward spiral" of loving yourself into greater peace, and from that place of balance within, allow your creativity to bring forward your personal path to success. Creativity and success will encourage you to expand, and you may become overcommitted again. But that can be a reminder to come back to your process for personal peace, and onward and upward again.

Note: I'm working to expand my website with articles of related to loving yourself into greater peaceand success. Stay tuned!

Joy and Peace to you,
Dr. Ilenya


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