Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

How Are You Balancing Your Life for Success

When it comes to life on this planet, whew! There's always a trade off of time and energy for what we want -- dollars, things, qualities of life that we value whether tangible or intangible.
I've taken on some contract work trading time for dollars and I'm feeling the pinch in my time for developing my business in other ways.

There've been times when I had more money and was quite willing to pay for other people to provide services. At other times, money was short and I wanted to do it myself. I note that part of creating success through a process of self-loving and compassion means staying alert to that delicate balance. What is the best solution now? How can I best take care of my many needs? Not just the financial and physical wants, but my emotional and mental and self-nurturing needs.

Part of success is learning to love myself through the choices, and to keep making the choices for my growth and expansion. To keep loving myself into transformation. And that means making the choices, not procrastinating and letting those choices happen by default.

Happily, I'm off for a retreat this weekend, to regenerate and nurture my inner awareness. That's my ultimate success barometer! How's my level of loving, joy and peace? When I'm centered in that spiritual inner awareness, it seems easier to make the outer choices, easier to keep taking the next steps for my growth.

Today I spoke with a 51-year old in another state who discovered in our conversation that she needs to learn to play. That is the method of balancing for stress reduction and success that is "up" for her just now.

Someone else is working diligently to hold a positive and loving frame of mind while dealing with major health issues.

Another is learning to love himself enough to have the deeply committed relationship with Ms. Right that he's always wanted.

Another is juggling graduate school with wedding preparations and a parent who is quite ill, navigating multiple stress channels by maintaining clear communication with himself and others.

Yet another is learning to manage her practical life in more self-respecting ways, to match the remarkable depth of her spiritual awareness.

Here's hoping that you are finding ways to calibrate your inner balance as you walk through your life! May your process of lovingly learning, growing and uplifting yourself be filled with ease and grace, as well as whatever outer success you're aiming for.

Joy and Peace,
Dr. Ilenya


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