Loving Your Success Blog

Lov-ing, the active, dynamic form of love, is your most powerful tool for true success. Apply self loving with tools from psychology and practical spirituality to gain Personal Peace, Joy and Fulfillment. Then you can more easily achieve goals, from reducing stress to creating a healthier lifestyle, a happier work and family life, and student and career success. "Helping you love yourself into success!" Visit me at http://www.powerofpersonalpeace.com.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Waving at You from Rain-Drenched Vermont

OK, it's time for me to quit hiding even if my website and all the links are not functioning the way I want them to yet! In fact I still have a long list of things to fix, but tonight I'm motivated to come out from behind my rock and at least wave at you!

Would you believe I'm actually learning to do my own pages? Wow. Some of you who are technically inclined by nature (or just younger!) may think it's easy, but I'm really impressed with myself. I still have a lot to learn, but it's fun.

I have a wonderful mentor, Dan Hunt, of www.audiobarandgrill.com, and I highly recommend him if you want to learn web development, or if you want someone to do your site or record and edit audios for you. He's very talented and knowledgeable (and so is his wife, Deb, of www.mywebgal.com)! They do some excellent work for some very high powered marketers, but they are such down to earth and caring people!

When Dan started coaching me over the phone, I'd get all flustered with clicking in the wrong places, and he'd do this wonderful accepting chuckle, "Heh, heh, heh. You're not supposed to know how to do that yet!" He was so reassuring he made it very safe and easy for me to learn!

So, I revised my pages, and I switched to a new webhost, and some things are screwy, but in a little time I'll get it all working right again! Please be patient in the meanwhile!

Meanwhile, we've in the very slooooow process of getting the cedar siding exterior of our home power washed in preparation for re-staining. Last summer, my husband and I tried to touch up the stain but the results were less than satisfactory, so we stopped after two small upstairs walls. Of course, those two walls have presented the biggest challenge and don't look the same as the other walls. Yet. We're working on it! The power wash project has been a lot more time consuming than the contractor anticipated, and our Vermont rain has limited work time. So a job we expected to have completed in May is still just inching forward. I can't really complain though. It's the Vermont farmers who are suffering, and the state has just been declared a disaster area so they can get emergency loans to feed livestock and replant crops ruined by the rains.

Tonight was clear for a change. So I sat out back with a fire in the firepit, one of my newest pleasures. The wood was so damp it produced steam for the first hour. I sat with an uplifting book and my journal, watching the flames, the fireflies and the starry night sky. I am so grateful for such simple pleasures!

In another day or two I'll get back with the program of sending you some stress reduction articles, and I haven't forgotten my promise to put together a teleseminar featuring me, in the near future! Tonight, I'm just enjoying myself and saying hello.

As always, I welcome blog postings or emails. Let me know what you want to hear about in the way of less stress and more success! And loving yourself from the inside out!

Joy and peace,
Dr. Ilenya

Friday, June 09, 2006

I can't even plead being stressed out

Oh, my, where did the time go?

Do you ever have great plans and intentions but you lose track of them in the press of other business? I just did, with my goal of blogging three times a week or more! Ha! It's been nine days.

I can't even plead being stressed out -- I'm just busy and having fun taking each next step into my own version of success!

The good news is, I'm getting closer to having a much expanded website with many articles on stress reduction and related items for your use.

As most of you know by now, I'm big on reducing stress from the inside out, by lovingly, gently, and naturally changing your beliefs, attitudes and perspectives. (I'm not big on "Will Power" and forcing yourself to change!) I'm preparing for a new teleseminar series featuring me, myself and I, and probably beginning with an absolutely essential tool, Forgiveness -- of yourself and of others.

Stay tuned and I'll share detailed how-to-do-it information for releasing those insidious judgments! Forgiveness is a fabulous way to let go of the inner stress that eats at you relentlessly, unconsciously pulls your energy into procrastination and victim consciousness, and stops you from creating and enjoying the success of your heart's desires.

I hope to let you know dates to mark on your calendar by next week.

Joy and Peace,
Dr. Ilenya