Hi! I'm getting back in the swing of blogging after a few weeks
of focusing on another project! Three things today:
1) Musing on my summer in the Green Mountain State.
2) My new two-part article (stress and divorce) for you on my website.
Heartbreak to Healing: Beyond Surviving the Stress of Divorce 3) Thoughts about "gut feelings" and our "second brain."
1) Summer in Vermont is absolutely gorgeous. We attended
several of the Mozart Festival concerts in mountain meadows
and and on the shores of Lake Champlain and each magnificent
evening underscored why we enjoy living here! Besides the
wonderful music, I was especially captivated by the fireworks
over the mountains on two special evenings. I'm such a kid
at heart!
And it's been cool enough after dark recently that I made a fire
in the firepit again, and sat out reading way too late! What a
luxurious way to spend a summer night!
2) And here's the article intro:From Heartbreak to Healing:
Beyond Surviving the Stress of Divorce
Divorce is one of the most stressful situations in the Western
world. For too many people, it is painful, ugly, and stressful
for months if not years. It turns your world topsy turvy and
your emotions inside out. Your self-esteem may bottom out,
you may be anxious or depressed, and you’re quite likely
struggling with financial fiascos, property problems and even
worse, child custody conflicts. Just when your heart is broken
because of parting from someone you once loved deeply, you
have to cope with a mountain of other stressors related to
loss and recreating your entire life to “single-hood.”
How can you use the turmoil of such a messy and difficult
time to actually lift yourself to a higher level of living? . . . .
First of all, I know you can move out of the paralyzing pain of
ending a marriage or relationship and into a positive and
growthful outlook, because I did it! Not once, but twice. . . .
For the rest of this article, go to
Heartbreak to Healing: Beyond Surviving the Stress of Divorce3) Your "Second Brain"
A recent article at
http://www.ananova.com/, "Scientists
discover 'second brain' in the stomach," rekindled a long-
standing interest of mine -- intuition! As described in this
and other articles, this second brain is a huge complex of
nerve cells traversing much of the digestive system.
Cutting edge researcher Professor Wolfgang Prinz of Munich
says, "People often follow their gut reactions without even
knowing why, it's only later that they come up with the
logical reason for acting the way they did. But we now believe
that there is a lot more to gut feelings than was previously
In an article from
http://www.tilomedical.com/, Michael
Gershorn of Columbia University says, "Just as the brain
can upset the gut, the gut can upset the brain.” Gershorn
rediscovered the second brain after it was forgotten by
science. (It was first documented by Leopold Auerbach,
a German neurologist in the 19th century.) Gershorn is
considered one of the founders of a new field of medicine
called neuro-gastro-enterology.
From my point of view, beyond physiological reactions between
the brain and digestive system, this research provides exciting
confirmation of what many folks work with daily -- their gut
reactions to a multitude of triggers.
My gut-level feedback is invaluable, letting me know when
something is "off" in an interaction. When I get that certain
feeling in my tummy, I know to check more consciously into
what is going on -- with my rational mind, my observation,
or my intuition. This second-brain reaction is instant feedback
that lets me take quick corrective action in all sorts of situations.
Sometimes I just dig in my heels and won't budge because
it "just doesn't feel right."
Be aware of your gut-level responses! Based on my
personal experience and that of friends and clients,
you might feel these gut reactions a little above or just below
your belly-button. If you pay attention and learn to decipher
this valuable information from your second brain, you
can use these responses to lovingly guide yourself into success.
Plus, use this inner guidance system to help you avoid
stressful or inappropriate choices.
Keep an eye out for more news on this front.
© 2006 Ilenya Marrin, DSS. All rights reserved.
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